
4) Famous stuff

★Miho no matsubara
 This is an sightseeing spot which has a legend.

☆Momoko Sakura
   She is an author of 「ちびまる子ちゃん(Chibi Maruko-chan)」. This is the most famous cartoon in Japan and this year is 25 years anniversary!! These stories are based on the author's true stories in her elementary school days.

☆Shimizu S-PULSE

3) History

 Miho was an important ports for (samurai) genarals and Japanese government since 663. This story was written in Nihon-shoki(the oldest chronicles of Japan). In addition, here is a good sightseeing spot because of beautiful coast with many pine trees. There was a very famous inn which was called 「江尻(ejiri)」 in Miho. Many tourists stayed there to look at that bautiful view.

↑ Tokaido 53 tsugi/ Ejiri Miho Boen   By Hiroshige Utagwa

2) Name -meaning of the place name-

 The original Chinese character is 「美(beautiful)穂(an ear of rice)」 because the shape of a peninsula looked like an ear of rice. Then you can see 3 points of a peninsula, Can't you? That's why this place has started to be called 「三(three)穂(an ear of rice)」. After that people changed the Chinese character from 「穂」 to 「保」. 


1) General description

Location: South part of Shimizu-ku(green area).
Area size: 265.54平方km
Population: 248.735人
※Shimizu City marged  into Shizuoka City in 2003.